It happened again. This weekend saw a mini blitz of work done at the house; things that would have been done months ago, except that I didn't have the expertise or I didn't have to tools to make it happen or I just didn't have the time.
Two amazing people descended upon my house with their know-how, their tools and their energy in a whirlwind of love, and we got it done. Mostly they got it done, and I learned a few things along the way. In a short 24 hours, the stairwell and upstairs hallway got painted; my linen closet, which had been unusable because of the crumbling plaster, turned into a cedar-lined, huge capacity closet; The Bean got a backsplash behind her sink; the element in the stove got replaced (I can bake again!); The Bean's bedroom door got adjusted and can now close; I got a light installed in the basement stairwell that was pretty dark and scary; I got a hood fan installed over the stove; and I had my leaves raked, to boot.
There are days when I wonder how I will get it all done. A household isn't meant to be cared for alone. Some days I am near tears, worrying and wondering if I can continue to keep it together. And then the whirlwind descends and I am saved from the fear and the worry, and I am swept up in blessings. And I am not alone. It is good.
This is wonderful.